Saturday, July 18, 2009


how ironic. my previous post i was talking about how nice the cycling community is, and today i had a theft attempt on my bike.

my bro took used my bike to commute to the gym, and locked it outside. when he came out, the seat post was gone. a woman nearby said she saw 2 indian kids trying to steal the bike. and my brother saw those 2 secondary sch ppl just as he exited the gym, but didnt think much of it. he tried chasing, but couldn't find them, then somehow a while later the woman came back with the younger of the two, a secondary 1.

in the end, both of them returned the stuff they stolen, which was the seat post, seat quick release and pouch. apparently they had wanted to steal the bike as well, but was unable to break the lock, and ended up spoiling the lock as well. so they were just told to pay for the lock, and nothing else. no police report, never tell their parents.

although my bike is fine, clearly the integrity of some people aren't.

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