Wednesday, October 28, 2009

cos you had a bad day

ever had one of those days where everything just seems to go wrong? today was that day for me

my mum woke me up at 5.45 cos she thought i had school. i did have to go school, but only had to wake up at 6.30

i stoned in school from 9.30 till 2.30 cos there was supposed to be act. but it got cancelled.

i went cycling and 2.4km in, my tire punctured and i did not bring wallet/handphone. i had to walk all the way back - in tights and cycling shoes

i came home and the door was locked. the only person inside was bathing.

i was bathing halfway and the water pressure just died on me.

oh well today cant get any worse i suppose.

i wonder what all those people whom i walked past were thinking. i was clad in full spandex/lycra, holding onto a nice looking road bike, sweating like an ass, and walking like a retard cos of the cleats on the shoes. must be an amusing sight for them

Thursday, October 22, 2009

eoy is ending...

tomorrow! (im taking a break from bio ;P )