Saturday, January 30, 2010


Life is just so good, orientation is so fun, the world seems perfect.

Today went to canoe trials, and I'm glad I did. At least I can look back next time and say, once I was at this standard of fitness.

And orientation is really so fun! Fantastic OG and OGLs, and the most I've laughed in quite a while. For now 01 is taking a back seat.

School starts proper soon, hope I get a fantastic class!

Friday, January 15, 2010

level up!

just one week of training and I feel soo much fitter. 7 days of exercise in a role? no problem! 20k run? no problem (i hope)!

now to find my sponsor haha

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Despite getting lost, running in MacRitchie was pretty fun. Seems like I'm a trail sort of guy after all!

School is starting, and before I know it, AC will come, CTs will come, Promos, GTC, then poof! I'm in j2! Then poof again! It's after A levels! Poof! Army! Poof Poof Poof! I'm dead!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where can you ever find a dedicated team of old boys coming back to help, whose sole purpose is to improve each individual? Sounds like a FedEx ad, but its 01! Its amazing how all that we are doing is actually to maximise each member's potential. All that msn convos, emails, documents, minutes, proposals, acts. All for that.

In other news, B3. Good, and no good. But its over. I'm not retaking.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

loooooong days

Past 1 week or so has just been meeting up, lunch, discuss/act, dinner, go home, mass convo/email. And a hell lot of thinking.

GC has no life =)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new year!

1 day overdue, but happy new year to all! Work hard, play hard, be rewarded!

Have a good one