Wednesday, July 17, 2013

First trading account

And today marks the day I open my first trading account, and CDP, with CIMB Securities. Why CIMB? That's a very good question.

I was at StanChart, wanting to open an account with them because of the no minimum commission. Or rather, I was there paying for my visa fees, and wanted to open an account at the same time. Turns out, I'm still too young! So much for encouraging people to start investing early...

I left the bank a little disappointed, but being in the CBD there was bound to be another bank that would accept my money. Lo and behold, just across the road was CIMB Securities, so I stepped in and passed my IC to the person who was at the counter before I could change my mind.

While waiting, I thought that maybe I should do a bit more research before opening my maiden account. To put it crudely, it felt like losing my virginity to a prostitute.

Okay fine, it didn't feel like that at all. But you get the drift.

But before I could grab my IC and leave, the broker was with me and started talking to me. Soon I was pulled aside by their assistant and found myself signing so many documents. By the end I couldn't really sign accurately, and I wondered if the person checking the paperwork would realize the differences in my various signatures.

And then I was done! All the other details would be filled up by their lovely assistant, and I would be ready to trade in a few days time! That went much smoother than I expected, and I'd like to think that it's only like this in CIMB. After all, it's my virgin experience ;)

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